Quality Information and Education
For Australians and financial professionals

Navigating the aged care maze – for busy people who care
Learn MoreAgedCareIQ

CPD and training for professionals
Learn MoreCPD Courses & Training

For practices and individuals
Support for Accountants
Quality Information and Education
AccountantsIQ provides quality information and education for Australians and accounting and finance professionals.
AccountantsIQ was initially founded to support accountants to gain and use a limited licence to provide financial advice. The business has grown and diversified, having led financial advice policy and advocacy at Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) at both industry and government levels and we’ve helped hundreds of licensed financial advisers stay in the industry by passing the ASIC (formerly FASEA) exam through our highly acclaimed Cram 4 Exam courses.
Responding to industry demand, we now offer Information and Checklist packages to assist in the fast-growing aged care space. For some, it’s time-consuming, difficult to navigate and emotionally exhausting. Assistance can be needed quickly, as circumstances can change, and a fast, informed response is required. The peace of mind gained by engaging appropriate services to help loved ones can be positively life-changing.
Our business continues to support accountants and other financial professionals by providing information, training and outsourced solutions for their practices – including our latest educational offering in conjunction with Deakin University and the SMSF Association, see here.
We Make Life Easy for You
30+ years' Experience
Award Winning
Proven Track Record
Our Approach is built on trust
AccountantsIQ was established primarily to help accounting firms provide high quality financial advice. We then helped advisers to stay in the industry. Having skills in education, accounting and financial advice, we have always helped people – because we care about them.
For over 30 years we have helped individuals create and protect wealth, for it then be passed on to the next generation as desired.
Now we embark on an additional service to help those who care about their loved ones, as the aged care maze is difficult to navigate, highly time consuming and at times, unbelievably stressful.
We know you’ll love our offerings…because we love what we do and because we care.
