
Curated needs-based bundles of Information and Checklists

For those wishing for the self-service option with a little guidance, these convenient curated needs-based bundles (including multiple packages) are a quick and efficient way to ensure you’re purchasing the right packages for the stage your loved one is currently at.

The AgedCareIQ bundles have been carefully curated to ensure components from each area requiring consideration has been thought through.  As circumstances change, additional packages from selected areas may be necessary, but this is a brilliant solution to help you on your way, no matter where your starting point may be.

Getting Started in the System

Includes 7 important Information and Checklist packages


Staying at home and being independent

Includes 8 important Information and Checklist packages


Requiring residential care

Includes 13 important Information and Checklist packages


Funding and financial issues

Includes 6 important Information and Checklist packages


What to do: dying and death

Includes 8 important Information and Checklist packages



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Frequently Asked Questions

AgedCareIQ is part of AccountantsIQ Pty. AgedCareIQ was established for busy people who require aged care information and support. With practical information in one location in easy to understand language.

A great resource for accountants, financial professionals and the general public with self service and silver service concierge services available, providing a solution for different budget and time constraints.

The cost of AgedCareIQ products vary, depending on which option you take up.

Self Service Information + Checklist packages start from as little as $125 each. 
Silver Service concierge service starts from $5,000.

Yes. Each of our Self Service packages are separate products including Information and accompanying dynamic Checklist for you to complete.

AgedCareIQ bundles are a popular single product available for purchase with multiple Information + Checklist packages most people require at different aged care stages. Conveniently curated to provide a simple starting point, saving you the time and hassle of having to decide which products you need to start with.

AccountantsIQ has a range of CPD courses ranging from the Cram4Exam ASIC Financial Adviser Exam preparation courses, to Tax Training and Aged Care training for accountants and other financial professionals. Bespoke courses also provided on request.

Yes. We there is an AgedCareIQ brochure, which can be viewed or downloaded from here